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Don Estep Looks Forward to Another Term as CANSSI Director

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The CANSSI Board of Governors has extended Don Estep’s appointment as CANSSI Director for an additional five years, beginning in July 2024. The decision was confirmed at the Board’s October meeting.

“I’m grateful to the Board for providing me with the opportunity to continue to work with the statistical sciences community to develop and grow CANSSI,” said Don.

He noted that CANSSI’s Collaborative Research Teams program continues to be highly successful in encouraging new partnerships and interdisciplinary initiatives, but pointed especially to the growth of other CANSSI programs—such as the CANSSI Distinguished Postdoctoral Fellowships and the Graduate Student Enrichment Scholarships—that have greatly broadened the segments of the statistical sciences community supported by CANSSI.

Looking ahead, he singled out the planned relaunch of the Research for Social Good program, the CANSSI Quebec Recruitment Scholarship, development of cooperative ventures with several partners, and the expansion of the Florence Nightingale Day event for high school students as first priorities for his extended term. He also expressed his intention to further develop the CANSSI Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) program, which aims to create opportunities for statisticians from traditionally underrepresented groups and helps researchers incorporate EDI in their research programs.

“CANSSI has developed real momentum, and I’m looking forward to using that energy to extend our activities in ways that benefit the statistical sciences community across Canada.”

Visit Don’s personal website to read more about his background and activities.