CQRS Call for Student Applicants

CANSSI Quebec Recruitment Scholarship

The CANSSI Quebec Recruitment Scholarship (CQRS) is a competitive program that aims to attract promising individuals to doctoral studies in statistical sciences at a CANSSI member university in Quebec.


The CQRS scholarship provides funding to supplement the standard funding resources provided by a recipient’s supervisor and home university. It is designed to act as an incentive to bring promising PhD students to universities in Quebec.

Generally, the scholarship provides $7,000 per year for the first two years of a doctoral program in statistical sciences.

To receive the CQRS scholarship, recipients must ensure that they meet the admission requirements of the Quebec university at which they plan to begin their doctoral studies.

Supervisor List for 2024

As part of the application process for the CQRS program, students are asked to choose one to three potential supervisors from the list below.

Faculty members can add their names to the list by filling out the CQRS Faculty Registration Form. (Faculty members who registered last year need to fill out the form again if they wish to be included on this year’s list.)

Students interested in working with a faculty member whose name does not appear on the list may invite them to fill out the CQRS Faculty Registration Form and then include this name on their student application form as a potential supervisor.

See the list of potential supervisors for 2024.

Eligibility and Requirements

Students receiving CQRS scholarships and their supervisors must fulfill all CANSSI requirements and expectations during the period in which the scholarship is given.

Requirements for Recipients

  • To receive funding, a CQRS scholarship recipient must maintain enrollment as a full-time student in a doctoral program at a CANSSI member university in the province of Quebec under the supervision of a faculty member registered with the CQRS program. Retention of the scholarship after proposed changes to the supervisor, program, and/or institution requires prior approval of CANSSI.
  • Receiving the second year of scholarship support requires confirmation that a scholarship recipient has maintained satisfactory academic standing, has abided by the rules and regulations of the doctoral program in which they are enrolled, and has made reasonable progress towards completing their program of study during their first year.
  • A scholarship recipient must take part in CANSSI EDI, including participation in at least one CANSSI EDI event or education course per year that the scholarship is received.
  • CQRS funding must normally be completed by the end of the second year in the PhD program. Scholarship funding, including all deferments, must be completed by the end of the fourth year in the PhD program. Unused amounts revert to CANSSI.
  • The support of CANSSI and NSERC must be acknowledged in all posters, presentations and publicity materials related to activity supported by the scholarship.

Requirements for Supervisors

  • The supervisor of a CQRS scholarship recipient must hold an appointment with eligibility to supervise PhD students at a CANSSI member university in the province of Quebec during the period of the scholarship and must register with the CQRS program prior to the award of a scholarship to a student advisee. (To register as a CQRS supervisor, use the CQRS Supervisor Application Form.)
  • Supervisors of CQRS recipients are responsible for providing biannual reports of activity and statements confirming recipient and supervisor eligibility as required.
  • A supervisor of a CQRS recipient must participate in at least one CANSSI EDI event or course during the period in which the CQRS scholarship is received.
  • Within one month after the final semester of the CQRS scholarship, the supervisor must send a final report to CANSSI, including a technical summary covering research and training activities, and a narrative containing highlights, anecdotes, new developments, testimonials, and other newsworthy subjects written for a general audience.
  • The support of CANSSI and NSERC must be acknowledged in all posters, presentations, and publicity materials related to activity supported by the scholarship.

Application Process

The CQRS application process involves actions by both potential supervisors and student applicants, as outlined below.

Registration of Potential Supervisors for CQRS Recipients

Potential supervisors at CANSSI member universities in Quebec must complete the CQRS Faculty Registration Form by the stated deadline to be eligible to supervise a CQRS recipient.

Submission of Applications by Student Applicants

Candidates for CQRS scholarships must complete the application form (see the link below) by the stated deadline to be eligible for an award.

Post-award Requirements

  • CQRS scholarship recipients must be admitted as full-time students in a doctoral program in statistical sciences at a CANSSI member university in the province of Quebec under the supervision of a faculty member registered with the CQRS program at the time of the award and must accept admission to the indicated program.
  • The supervisor of a CQRS scholarship recipient must confirm the student’s eligibility to receive the scholarship after the student has accepted admission and again when the recipient has enrolled in the program.

Application Ingredients

Before completing the registration form for potential supervisors (faculty members) or the scholarship application form (students), please read through the relevant list of application ingredients below to ensure that you have the necessary information.

Required Ingredients for Potential Supervisors

  • Contact information, including name, email address, academic position, and names of department and institution
  • Short description of research interests and potential projects
  • Statement outlining standard support amounts and support plan for PhD students
  • Statement confirming agreement to fulfill all CANSSI EDI requirements and responsibilities.

Required Ingredients for Student Applicants

  • Your contact information and current academic status
  • Planned starting term for your PhD studies
  • Curriculum vitae
  • List of 1–3 potential supervisors from the registered list of CQRS supervisors
  • Statement of interest for each selected supervisor
  • Statement of your research, industry, and independent study experience
  • Statement of your research interests
  • Statement agreeing to fulfill all CANSSI EDI requirements
  • Unofficial transcripts
  • Names and contact details of two references who will submit letters of reference on your behalf

Online Application Form

For full information about how to apply for a CQRS scholarship, see the Supporting Documents.

Then use the button below to go to the online application form.



August 15–September 30, 2024 Call for supervisors
October 15–November 25, 2024 Call for student applicants
January 30, 2025 Announcement of scholarship recipients to supervisors

Financial Operation

CANSSI handles the financial operation of the CQRS program.

  • The CQRS scholarship is considered to be a scholarship provided to support the recipient in their PhD studies.
  • A scholarship disbursement schedule submitted by the supervisor of a CQRS recipient must be approved by CANSSI prior to the start of the scholarship. Proposed alterations to an approved scholarship disbursement schedule must receive the prior approval of CANSSI.
  • The CQRS scholarship must be a supplemental amount on top of the standard support indicated by the supervisor and home department on the CQRS Faculty Registration Form at the time of the award of the scholarship.
  • Upon receipt of verification of eligibility, scholarships are disbursed by direct payment from CANSSI to the home department of the recipient for disbursement to the student. All disbursements must adhere to NSERC requirements.
  • CANSSI support is contingent on Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) funding.

Deferment in Cases of Multiple Scholarships

If a CQRS scholarship recipient receives cumulative scholarship support from all sources exceeding the standard support level specified by the supervisor by more than $10,000 per year, a portion of the CQRS scholarship equal to the excess above $10,000, up to the maximum of $7,000, will be deferred to subsequent years.


Questions? Contact Us


Mélina Mailhot

CANSSI Quebec Interim Regional Director

General Inquiries

Questions about CANSSI requirements and requests for assistance and changes should be directed to CANSSI Scientific Program Coordinator Louisa Benhamida (louisa_benhamida@sfu.ca). Questions about financial matters should be directed to Financial Officer Lori Kroeker (canssi_finance@sfu.ca).