Canadian Statistical Sciences Institute

Quebec Regional Centre

CANSSI Quebec’s goal is to work hand-in-hand with CANSSI to promote statistical and data science research and training, concentrated in the Quebec region. It aims at strengthening and increasing connections with other disciplines that use statistical methodologies and highlights CANSSI as a hub for statistical and data science activities across Canada.

CANSSI Quebec Recruitment Scholarship

CANSSI Quebec News

The CANSSI Quebec Recruitment Scholarship (CQRS) provides $7,000 per year for the first two years of a doctoral program in statistical sciences to PhD students at CANSSI member universities in Quebec.

The scholarship supplements the standard funding provided by a recipient’s supervisor and home university and is designed to attract promising PhD students to universities in Quebec.

Applications for the 2024 competition are open until November 25, 2024.

Visit the CQRS web page for details and the online application form.

The CQRS scholarship provides funding to supplement the standard funding resources provided by a recipient’s supervisor and home university. It is designed to act as an incentive to bring promising PhD students to universities in Quebec.

Generally, the scholarship provides $7,000 per year for the first two years of a doctoral program in statistical sciences.

If you are a faculty member in statistical sciences at a CANSSI member university in Quebec, we invite you to add your name to the list of potential supervisors for this program.

Visit the CQRS web page for more information.

On September 10, CANSSI Quebec will host Postdoc Day 2024 at Concordia University. It’s a chance for the entire statistical sciences community to get to know Quebec-based postdoctoral fellows doing statistics-centred research. The event will feature research presentations by postdocs from across the province and will conclude with a reception.

Visit the event web page for details.

On March 25, 2024, the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at Concordia University hosted CANSSI Quebec’s first-ever Stats in a Flash: 180 Second Thesis Competition.

Ten graduate students in statistical sciences from five Quebec universities accepted the challenge of presenting their research in three minutes.

Sébastien Jessup, a PhD student at Concordia, took first place and the Audience Choice award for his presentation on “Advancements in Model Combination and Uncertainty Quantification.” Zhanwen Xin and Van Dai Vuong from Polytechnique Montréal took second and third place respectively.

CANSSI Quebec Launches a New Scholarship

The CANSSI Quebec Recruitment Scholarship (CQRS) is a competitive program that aims to attract talented individuals to pursue doctoral studies in statistical sciences at a CANSSI Quebec member university. The applicant selection process is underway; winners will be announced soon.

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CANSSI Quebec Presents: Postdoc Day!

CANSSI Quebec hosted its inaugural Postdoc Day at Concordia University on September 7, 2023. The networking event for Québec postdoctoral fellows researching statistics featured 8 presentations by students in Quebec universities. The event was a success, boasting over 50 attendees.

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Mélina Mailhot is the New Interim Regional Director of CANSSI Quebec

“I have always been a team player, and acting as interim director will be a nice challenge for me as we already know several groups of researchers in actuarial science and statistics. The objective is clear in that we want the community to have more, without overlapping on all the other great initiatives in Québec.”- Mélina Mailhot

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CRM StatLab-CANSSI Postdoctoral Fellowship Opportunity

Are you looking for a postdoctoral position? We invite you to apply for the CRM StatLab–CANSSI Postdoctoral Fellowship in Statistics. Applications must be submitted by January 31, 2023 for a single position starting April 1, 2023.

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Welcome to CANSSI’s new Associate Director Representing Quebec, Dr. Denis Talbot from Université Laval!

“I’m very delighted to serve as the associate director for CANSSI Quebec. Please let me know if you have ideas, suggestions or concerns so that I can voice them. I particularly aim to be an ally to equity-deserving groups of our statistical community.” – Dr. Denis Talbot

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About CANSSI Quebec

CANSSI Quebec at Concordia University was officially inaugurated on November 21, 2019. The opening day featured welcome and opening remarks by Justin Powlowski (Associate Vice-President, Research, Strategic Initiatives, and Partnerships ), Phillip Caignon (Associate Dean, Faculty of Arts and Science), Nancy Reid (former Scientific Director of CANSSI) and Don Estep (the current Scientific Director of CANSSI). The opening was followed by inaugural talks by Nancy Reid (on building collaborations), Don Estep (CANSSI-relevant challenges for Canadian statistics), Christian Genest (Modeling Intensity-Duration-Frequency Curves) and W. John Braun (Small data in big data world – an illustration). Yogen Chaubey, Professor of Mathematics and Statistics at Concordia University, became CANSSI Quebec’s Regional Director effective January 1, 2019.

Concordia University is connected to Quebec’s statistics community through its link with the Centre de recherches mathématiques laboratories (Probability, Statistics, Quantact, and MILA). CANSSI Quebec’s partnership with Concordia is strengthened by Concordia’s commitment to provide logistical support and resources to the Regional Director in supporting CANSSI’s vision of being a catalyst for discovery and innovation in the statistical and data sciences.

Concordia University’s Sir George Williams campus, home of the Mathematics and Statistics Department.

There are already exciting CANSSI collaborations underway in Quebec such as the Montreal Health Statistics Centre, which works to serve as the hub connecting statistics students and faculty members with health researchers, to continue to develop and expand upon existing multidisciplinary collaborations between our network members with health organizations, and to train statistics students in methodologies relevant for health research.

Quebec is also home to the McGill Health Statistics Training Network, a CANSSI collaboration that offers MSc and PhD training with opportunities for experiential learning through their partners: the Canadian Network for Observational Drug Effect Studies (CNODES), the Institut national de santé publique du Québec (INSPQ), the Respiratory Epidemiology and Clinical Research Unit (RECRU) at the McGill University Health Centre, and the Ludmer Centre for Neuroinformatics and Mental Health.

Our Team

Mélina Mailhot (Mathematics and Statistics at Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec)
Interim Regional Director
Aurélie Labbe (Department of Decision Sciences at HEC Montreal, Montreal Quebec)
Advisory Board
Denis Talbot (Biostatistics – Social and Preventive Medicine at Université Laval, Laval, Quebec)
Associate Director
Karim Oualkacha (Mathematics at Université du Québec à Montréal, Montreal, Quebec)
Advisory Board
Cody Hyndman (Mathematics and Statistics at Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec)
Advisory Board
Thierry Duchesne (Statistics at Université Laval, Laval, Quebec)
Advisory Board
Félix Camirand Lemyre (Mathematics at Université de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, Quebec)
Advisory Board

CANSSI Quebec Institutional Members

Past Events

2023 CANSSI Quebec launched a new PhD scholarship: CANSSI Quebec Recruitment Scholarship (CQRS)
Dr. Mélina Mailhot appointed as CANSSI Quebec’s Interim Regional Director
2022 Dr. Denis Talbot appointed as CANSSI’s new associate director representing Quebec.
Dr. Yogendra P. Chaubey finished his term as the CANSSI Quebec Regional Director.
A meeting of the Advisory Board was held to plan for a one-day symposium on Risk Modeling on August 26, 2021. The Advisory Board endorsed the proposal. It was agreed to hold this symposium jointly with CRM-StatLab in November 2022.
CANSSI-Quebec (Department of Mathematics & Statistics, Concordia University) and CRM-StatLab (University de Monrtréal) jointly organized a one-day virtual symposium on November 26, 2021. The topics featured risk modelling based on the research community around Quebec from industry and academia. The organization was led by Yogendra P. Chaubey, Regional Director CANSSI-Quebec with help from Mélina Mailhot (Concordia University) and Johanna Nešlehová (McGill University). The logistical support was provided by Guillermo Martinez-Zalce and Madid Rahani (CRM).
A virtual talk by Dr. Gilles Stupfler (ENSAI), joint with CRM-StatLab entitled ” Risk assessment, heavy tails, and asymmetric least-squares techniques” was held on January 28, 2022.
2021 Town hall meeting of Quebec statisticians with the Scientific Director was held on March 3, 2021.
Statistics 2021 Canada held during July 15-18, 2021, which has been sponsored by CANSSI, along with CANSSI-Quebec. This conference was originally planned as an in-person conference that was changed to a virtual format due to COVID-19 restrictions.
2020 CRM-StatLab seminar under the joint sponsorship of CANSSI-Quebec in October 2020; the speaker was Paul McNicholas, McMaster University.
2019 CANSSI datathon/Case Competition, centrally organized by Angela Plagemann, was regionally coordinated in the second week of November 2019.
Dr. Yogendra P. Chaubey began his term as the CANSSI Quebec Regional Director, on January 1, 2019.

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