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Thank You and Welcome: Changes to the Membership of CANSSI’s Scientific Advisory Committee

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CANSSI’s Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) plays an important role in adjudicating competitions for Collaborative Research Teams and major workshops and conferences, as well as in making funding recommendations to the Board of Governors. Its members are prominent statistical scientists, typically from outside Canada.

At the CANSSI Annual General Meeting on June 7, Director Don Estep took the time to thank Corina Constantinescu (University of Liverpool), Josée Dupuis (McGill University), and Sujit Ghosh (North Carolina State University), three SAC members whose terms concluded in December 2023, for their dedicated service to CANSSI and the statistical sciences community.

Don also welcomed three new SAC members:

Sandrine Dudoit

Sandrine Dudoit

Sandrine Dudoit, Associate Dean for the Faculty and Research in the College of Computing, Data Science, and Society; Professor in the Department of Statistics; and Professor in the Division of Biostatistics, School of Public Health, at the University of California (UC), Berkeley. Her methodological research interests regard high-dimensional statistical learning and include exploratory data analysis (EDA), visualization, loss-based estimation with cross-validation (e.g., density estimation, classification, regression, model selection), and multiple hypothesis testing. She is also interested in statistical computing and, in particular, computationally reproducible research.

J. Sunil Rao

J. Sunil Rao

J. Sunil Rao, Professor in the Division of Biostatistics at the University of Minnesota and Director of Biostatistics at the University of Minnesota Masonic Comprehensive Cancer Center. Sunil received his PhD in Biostatistics under the guidance of Rob Tibshirani at the University of Toronto in 1994.

Alyson Wilson

Alyson Wilson

Alyson Wilson is the Senior Associate Vice Chancellor for Research at North Carolina State University. She is also a Professor in the Department of Statistics and Principal Investigator for the Laboratory for Analytic Sciences. Her research interests include statistical reliability, Bayesian methods, and the application of statistics to problems in defense and national security.

These new members bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to the SAC, and we are grateful for their willingness to serve. Their terms run until December 2026.

See the full list of current SAC members and read their bios.