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Teachers and Students: Participate in the Canadian Statistical Literacy Poster Competition

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One of CANSSI’s top priorities is to foster the development of the next generation of statisticians. That’s why we are enthusiastic sponsors of the Canadian Statistical Literacy Poster Competition, which “invites Grade 4 to bachelor-level postsecondary students to create posters to demonstrate their statistical literacy skills.”

The competition is organized every two years by the Statistical Society of Canada ahead of the International Statistical Literacy Project (ISLP)’s international competition.

Posters may be created by teams of one to five students and “should demonstrate the use, analysis and interpretation of data.”

Canadian winners in each category (grades 4–6, 7–9, 10–12, and bachelor-level university/college students) receive prizes and represent Canada in the ISLP’s international poster competition.

Teachers/Instructors Play a Central Role

Elementary, high school, and postsecondary teachers/instructors play a central role in the competition; first, by encouraging their students to create posters, and second, by collecting and submitting the posters created by their students.

Deadlines and Additional Information

Account creation deadline: Teachers/instructors who are interested in having their students participate should create an account by December 31, 2024.

Submission deadline: The deadline for teachers/instructors to submit student posters is February 28, 2025.

For additional information about the competition, including poster requirements, judging criteria, and the account creation form for teachers, visit the competition website:

Canadian Statistical Literacy Poster Competition