Support for Student-Focused Activities
Enriching student education through unique experiences
CANSSI supports events aimed at providing enriching training experiences for students in statistical sciences, including workshops, panels, datathons, and summer training programs.
Support Amount: Typical range is $500–$3,000
Region: National
Deadlines: Applications should be submitted at least 2 months before an event
Eligibility: Faculty, postdoctoral fellows, and students at CANSSI member universities
Have questions about the program?
This program supports organizational costs and student participation in events that focus on students, including workshops, panels, and datathons, as well as longer training events like short courses and summer training workshops.
Who’s Eligible
Faculty, students, and postdoctoral fellows at CANSSI institutional members are encouraged to apply.

Organizers will encourage completion of CANSSI’s diversity survey, and an event report is due four weeks after the end of the event.
Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion
Organizers will work with CANSSI to encourage diversity in participation and an inclusive environment.
How to Apply
Proposals with requests for CANSSI support should be submitted at least 2 months before an event. Applicants must use the application template to be considered.
For full application details, download the application PDF.
An application must include a budget detailing organization and participant costs as well as anticipated support from different sources.
Budget amounts depend on the length and scope of the event. Budgets for shorter events range from $500-$3,000. Budgets for longer training activities should be developed in consultation with the Director.

Applications for support should be submitted two or more months before the event.