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Three Doctoral Students Will Be the First to Receive CANSSI Quebec Recruitment Scholarships

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The new CANSSI Quebec Recruitment Scholarships (CQRS) program is an experiment that aims to attract promising PhD students to statistical sciences programs at Quebec universities by providing a supplement of $7,000 per year during the first two years of a doctoral program. If the trial proves effective at recruiting and retaining top students, it could serve as a model for a national program.

The initial call for applicants was shared in Fall 2023, and three candidates have been selected to receive awards beginning in September 2024. All three are exceptional young researchers who will work under the supervision of experienced faculty members. We’re pleased to introduce them.

Sébastien Legros

Sébastien Legros, who will do a PhD in financial engineering under the supervision of Geneviève Gauthier (Professor, Department of Decision Sciences) at HEC Montréal, is a recent graduate in actuarial science from Université Laval whose primary research interest involves using statistical methods and machine learning to explain the stock options market. He is currently completing his master’s in financial engineering at HEC Montréal and enjoys participating in academic competitions, such as Coveo Blitz and PolyFinances. Additionally, he is working part-time as a research assistant while studying to obtain his ACIA (Associate of the Canadian Institute of Actuaries) designation.

Xiaorui Lei

Xiaorui Lei, whose PhD program will focus on statistics and actuarial science under the supervision of Mélina Mailhot (Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, and Interim Regional Director of CANSSI Quebec) at Concordia University, holds a double master’s degree from Hong Kong Baptist University and the University of Kent. She specialized in operational research and business statistics while working at the Ping An Property Insurance Company of China Ltd. and is looking forward to “this exciting new journey at Concordia University.”

Qicheng Zhao

Qicheng Zhao recently completed a master’s degree in biostatistics at McGill University and will begin a doctoral program there under the supervision of Qihuang Zhang (Assistant Professor, Department of Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Occupational Health). Previously, he completed his undergraduate studies at the University of Waterloo.

Congratulations, Sébastien, Xiaorui, and Qicheng!