Collaborative Research Team Projects – Project 23
Synthetic Data and Risk Measures for Statistical Disclosure Control
This project concentrates on the use of synthetic datasets for privacy protection. It tackles three aspects of this endeavour, namely, developing advanced methods for synthetic data generation, constructing sophisticated risk measures, and deriving novel inferential procedures for synthetic datasets that satisfy formal privacy guarantees.
Research Category:
Region: National
Date: 2022-2025
Why Synthetic Data and Risk Measures?
Collaborative research and efficient data sharing have proven to be one of the cornerstones in our efforts to promote scientific discoveries. Many government and funding agencies have implemented new policies to encourage the practice of sharing research data.
However, given the growing concern about disclosures and invasions of personal privacy from not only the research community but also public and private organizations, carrying out such policies can only happen when the subject’s identity can be well protected and the information in the data is faithfully preserved.

Fostering Collaboration by Supporting Privacy Protection
Our CANSSI CRT proposal is a great opportunity to foster collaborations nationally and internationally, train highly qualified personnel to satisfy the growing needs of Canadian organizations, and more generally raise awareness and interests about statistical research on data privacy in Canada.
Our research proposal concentrates on the use of synthetic datasets for privacy protection. We tackle specifically three aspects of this endeavour, namely, developing advanced methods for synthetic data generation, constructing sophisticated risk measures, and deriving novel inferential procedures for synthetic datasets that satisfy formal privacy guarantees.
People Behind the Project
Project Team
Bei Jiang | University of Alberta
Anne-Sophie Charest | Laval University
Sébastien Gambs | Université du Québec à Montréal
Linglong Kong | University of Alberta
Jingchen (Monika) Hu | Vassar College
Adrian E. Raftery | University of Washington
Russell J. Steele | McGill University
Steven Thomas | Statistics Canada
Project Partners
Alberta Health Services (AHS)
Health Cities
Institut de la statistique du Qu´ebec (ISQ)
Statistics Canada
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Sports Analytics is a Collaborative Research Team project. This program tackles complex problems through a three-year research and training agenda.
CANSSI offers approximately $200,000 for this type of project, which requires a team of faculty, postdocs, and students.