Acknowledging Support from CANSSI
When you receive CANSSI financial or in-kind support, it is a requirement that you acknowledge this support publicly.
One way to do this is to include the CANSSI logo on announcements, promotional materials, etc.
Another way, when space permits, is to include a credit line. The graphics and text on this page provide options to ensure consistency and quality.
Have a question or need an asset that isn’t included on this page?
Text Options for Credit Lines
You may choose one of the following options to acknowledge support from CANSSI:
“Funded (in part) by CANSSI with support from NSERC.”
“This project is funded (in part) by CANSSI with support from NSERC.”
“We acknowledge the (financial) support of CANSSI and NSERC.”
CANSSI National Logo
The CANSSI logo is an example of a polar-area diagram or rose chart for plotting cyclic phenomena. In the CANSSI logo, the centre represents the unity at the core of the statistical sciences. The sectors depict the context of society and collaborating disciplines.
CANSSI Regional Logos
CANSSI currently has four regional centres: CANSSI Atlantic, CANSSI Ontario, CANSSI Prairies, and CANSSI Quebec.
CANSSI Atlantic

CANSSI Ontario

CANSSI Prairies